Cello and Violin Tuition with Claire Schiavone
Terms of Business
Date: 9th May 2018
All enquiries and engagements that Bows & Bridges accepts are subject to the following terms of business, unless changes are expressly made in writing.
1. Tuition
Lessons will be given on a one to one individual basis consisting of the number of lessons booked by the Student/Parent or Guardian. Bows & Bridges term times will not necessarily coincide with
school terms. The Teacher will give the lessons at the time and location as agreed and the
Teacher will reserve this time slot for the Pupil. Parent/Guardians are welcome to sit in during
lessons, and any siblings/friends who may also be present must be mindful and respectful of the
learning environment.
2. Fees
The Student (or parent/guardian) will pay the fees for each lesson in full at the end of each
individual Lesson. Fees for Block Booking must be paid in advance. Within 14 days of the last paid lesson of the block, payment for the next block must be made in full. Failure to pay lesson fees
within 14 days will result in immediate termination of lessons and any future lessons until all fees
are fully paid. Bows &Bridges Lesson fees are subject to annual review. Where Lesson fees are
increased as a result of such a review, the Teacher shall endeavour to give the Student at least one month’s notice of such increase. The Student (Parent/Guardian) shall have the right to
terminate this agreement immediately on written notice to the Teacher without liability to pay for any further Lessons (and to receive a refund in respect of any Lessons for which the Student has
paid in advance) in the event that the applicable Lesson fees increase.
3. Cancellation Policy and Missed Lessons
The required notice period for any cancellations is 24 hours. Failure to give notice will result in a full charge for the scheduled lesson unless the Teacher chooses not to do so in exceptional
circumstances. Any lesson missed by the Student shall be paid for unless otherwise agreed with
the Teacher. If the Teacher is obliged to cancel a scheduled lesson, the Student
(or parent/guardian) may choose between (i) carrying the lesson forward; (ii) receiving a replacement lesson; or (iii) receiving a refund of the lesson fee.
4. Holidays
The Teacher will give the Student (or parent/guardian) written notice of holiday breaks (when
lessons will not be given) up to one month before the scheduled break. Holidays may occur
during Bows & Bridges term and notice by Students (or parent/guardian) must given to the
Teacher no later than 14 days prior. Lessons will take place on public holidays during the
Bows & Bridges term unless other arrangements have been made between the Student
(or parent/guardian) and Teacher.
5. Examinations, Competitions and Public Performances
The Pupil will not be entered for any examination, competition or public performance without
careful consideration and the prior consent of both the Teacher and the Student (or parent or
guardian). Students (or parent/guardian) are liable to pay any fees set to take part in exams,
competitions and public performances. Students will be expected to participate in the Bows &
Bridges annual concert and attend rehearsals for this. Students performing at the annual concert will be at the Teacher’s discretion and poor attendance at arranged rehearsals will result in no
performance at the annual concert.
6. Termination of Tuition
(a) This Agreement may be terminated by both signatories in mutual agreement and signing a
dated written statement as to when the termination will take place. All lesson materials hired must be returned within 7 days of the agreed date or will incur a full charge.
(b) Either signatory to this Agreement may terminate the Agreement by giving notice in writing to the other signatory at least one month before. Termination by one signatory may take effect at
the end of a scheduled lesson if fees are paid weekly or at the end of a block if Block Booking
and lessons paid for will be honoured by the Teacher. All lesson materials hired must be returned within 7 days or will incur a full charge.
(c ) Bows & Bridges and the Teacher reserves the right to terminate any lessons with immediate
effect due to misconduct carried out by Students and/or Parent/Guardian. A written letter
confirming the termination will be issued and all further communication with regards to
termination must be in writing. No refunds for the lesson given or block booking will be given due
to the breach in conduct. All lesson materials hired must be returned within 7 days or will incur a
full charge.
7. Failure to give notice
Unless terminated under Condition 6 above, this Agreement shall continue from Term to Term. If
the Student (or Parent/Guardian) fails to give full notice to terminate this Agreement in
accordance with Condition 6(b) above and the signatories have not agreed to terminate the
Agreement in accordance with Condition 6(a) above, the following charges will be made in lieu of notice:
(a) Where the notice given is less than that required under Condition 6(a), 10% of the fee for the next lesson if paid each week or agreed Block Booking will be charged.
(b) Where the notice given is less than one month but more than three weeks 25% of the fees for the next lesson if paid each week or Block Booking will be charged.
(c) Where the notice given is less than three weeks but more than two weeks 50% of the fees for the next lesson if paid each week or Block Booking will be charged.
(d) Where the notice given is less than two weeks 100% of the fees for the next lesson or Block
Booking will be charged.
The Student is entitled to attend any lessons paid for. If the Teacher stops lessons without giving
the correct notice specified in Condition 6(b) above the Teacher shall refund any fees already
paid for any lessons not given.
8. Conduct
All students at Bows & Bridges are to adhere to a Code of Conduct. Students and Parents/
Guardians will be offered 3 warnings for repeated misconduct and if no change in behaviour is
seen a Suspension from all lessons will take place. The length of suspension will be decided by theTeacher and a Hearing will be arranged for Students and/or Parents/Guardians to attend after
the suspension, which will determine a possible return to instrumental lessons. During the
suspension, the agreed lesson day and time will not be honoured. Students returning from
suspension will be placed on a probationary 8 week period, and all conditions must be met uponreturn with lessons fees paid in full and in advance.
Lessons will be immediately terminated in accordance with Condition 6 (c) when the Student
or those connected with the Student (i) cause an unsafe environment for teaching (ii) unethical behaviour (iii) abusive or threatening language (iv) non-adherence to previous warnings about conduct (v) consistent poor attendance and behaviour
9. Professional Obligations
(a) The Teacher is a member of the Musicians Union
(b) The Teacher is registered with The Protecting Vulnerable Group Scheme (PVG Scheme)
(c) The Teacher is registered applicant for students with the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM)
(d) Bows & Bridges is registered with the Information Commissioners Office and have appointed a Data Protection Officer
10. Insurance
Bows & Bridges has Public Liability Insurance as provided by the Musicians Union.
11. Privacy and Data Collection
Bows & Bridges is committed to keeping clients personal information safe and secure, as you may disclose personal information during our engagements. The processing of personal data is regulated in the UK by the General Data Protection Regulation EU 2016/679 as supplemented by the Data Protection Act 2018, alongside other laws which relate to privacy and electronic communications. In providing our services, Bows & Bridges has an appointed DataO Controller (The Teacher) and therefore are responsible for and personal data we process and to guarantee compliance with GDPR regulations. Please refer to our Privacy Policy.
12. Changes
(a) Any changes to the terms of this Agreement must be confirmed in writing and signed and
dated by both the Teacher and the Student (or parent/ guardian).
If the Teacher chooses to waive any right or remedy under this Agreement or otherwise (for example, if the Teacher chooses to waive fees for any lessons which the Pupil (or any other pupil)not attend)this shall not mean that he must do so in future and must be confirmed in writing in 12a